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Afinal foi o outro*

por DBH, em 03.10.08

*Ou, Como o socialismo decidiu mexer no mercado e depois teve de resolver a situação


"Fannie Mae, the nation's biggest underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people "


"In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980's. "


NYTimes 1999

lavagem de mãos e outras medidas profiláticas

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De al kantara a 03.10.2008 às 12:37

Ah, bem me queria parecer que os Republicanos, o Bush e os neo-liberais não tinham nada a ver com isto. Afinal, foi o malandro irresponsável e libidinoso do Clinton que os obrigou. (Já agora, os executivos da Fanny Mae e dos outros gigantes que faliram também terão guardado um vestidinho azul com DNA presidencial ?...)
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De Miguel a 03.10.2008 às 16:06

NYTimes de Hoje....ou seja com muito mais informação do que há 9 anos...

menos regulação..liderada pelos "big Guys".
Destes quantos sobram?

Many events in Washington, on Wall Street and elsewhere around the country have led to what has been called the most serious financial crisis since the 1930s. But decisions made at a brief meeting on April 28, 2004, explain why the problems could spin out of control. [...]

They wanted an exemption for their brokerage units from an old regulation that limited the amount of debt they could take on. The exemption would unshackle billions of dollars held in reserve as a cushion against losses on their investments. Those funds could then flow up to the parent company, enabling it to invest in the fast-growing but opaque world of mortgage-backed securities; credit derivatives, a form of insurance for bond holders; and other exotic instruments.

The five investment banks led the charge, including Goldman Sachs, which was headed by Henry M. Paulson Jr. Two years later, he left to become Treasury secretary.[...]

[...] “We’ve said these are the big guys,” Mr. Goldschmid said, provoking nervous laughter, “but that means if anything goes wrong, it’s going to be an awfully big mess.” [...]
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De Miguel a 03.10.2008 às 16:09

A propósito...em 2004 quem era o presidente? Hmmm... "afinal havia outra".

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